A very short introduction to MySpace

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At the training day we ran in Rotherham last week many participants were asking for a basic overview of the Social Network Sites we had looked at - including information about how to access the sites and explore them.

One of the things we need to work out as part of our action research is how to present that sort of information. So - as I've explored the one page guide format in the past - I've put together a
one page introduction to MySpace.
MySpace Guide
You can download the guide here and it should:

  • Give an overview of what the MySpace social network site is, and what it can do;
  • Take you step-by-step through creating a MySpace profile, exploring the site, looking at privacy settings, and, if you need to, deleting your account afterwards.
  • Give you some key facts about MySpace.
The guide is aimed at beginners.

I'd love to get your feedback about whether this format of guide works. Do you think this would be useful in your youth service or project? Who would you give this guide to? Is there any information you would add or adapt? Or anything you would take away?

Do drop in your comments using the comment feature on this site, or head over the UK Youth Online discussion space to share your reflections (I'll set up a discussion in the forums there...)

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This page contains a single entry by Tim Davies published on June 20, 2008 10:53 AM.

Does detached youth work policy provide a foundation for social network sites? was the previous entry in this blog.

US Study explores benefits of Social Network Sites is the next entry in this blog.

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